Fiora Gandolfi has explored the world of culture endlessly after having studied languages and foreign literature at the University of Rome in parallel with her studies in art.
Attracted by all that has not yet been invented, she likes to tackle unusual themes. For years she has studied the function of insults in the world from an ethonological and linguistic perspective. Insults and exclamations, in fact, as a true mirror of a society.
FG has confronted with scientific precision such elusive subjects as the reflections on the water in Venice. Her photographs demonstrate that in water as in life momentary disorder is not evil and that order is not necessarily good. She has also been involved with sports. The first woman journalist to cover the famous Italian bicycle race Giro d'Italia for an important Milan daily, she has also turned her journalistic eye on the world of soccer.
A tireless promoter of the moral value of aesthetics her books about the history of fashion show it from a feminist perspective. In exhibitions as well as performances she has brought to life fashion as art stemming from her conviction that it is the fashion of the future.