Feel Felt Felt
29 30 31 October 2015 - Paris, Galerie éof, exhibition with Romina Dogliani
April 2012 - Venezia, Campiello de la cason
Natural innatural
December 2009 - Paris, Galerie éof, exhibition with Romina Dogliani
Ma Ladive
27th September 2005, 9.00pm - Paris, Théâtre de Ménilmontant, Performance of the "Ma Ladive" by Hubert Michel
Continental Breakfast
3rd September 2004 - Ljubljana, Sloveni - Lapidarium of the Ljubljana Castle
Costumes for the performance Continental Breakfast by Emanuela Marassi - Music: Puccio Migliaccio - Actress: Sara Alzetta
Venezia Transgenica
14th December 2004 - Paris, Galerie éof - "Venezia Transgenica" with Renata Mihelic.

Waste Victims
February 2004 - Venice, Galleria A+A, "Waste Victims" with Renata Mihelic.

Inspired, as Bruno Rosada said, by T. S. Eliot's The Waste Land, these are clothes made from unwanted remnants and castoffs just as Eliot's poetry is made of poetic scraps collected here and there from variuos authors.
Reflets de Venise
September 2002 - Perpignan, Pix méditerranée alla Galerie Thérèse Roussel, Reflets de Venise, di Fiora Gandolfi
Wearable Art
May - June 1998 - Trieste, Galleria Studio Tommaseo
Superfluous is Necessary
January 1998 - Venice, Galleria Materia Prima Art and Crafts
Wearing Art
July 1997 - Venice, Palagraziussi
Landscape Handbags and Painted Books
May 1997 - Lubiana, Mestni trg
May-June 1989 - San Stae, Venice: Ieri Attualità “L’ABITO DA SPOSA NEL ‘900”

BALENCIAGA: Vestito da sposa di Carmen Martínez Bordiú, nipote di Francisco Franco, e Alfonso de Borbón, 1972.